PAKISTAN/SINDH | Civil Hospital Administration Dadu ensures alternate power supply for the benefit of a dialysis patient

A complainant approached the Provincial Ombudsman of Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, stating that his father was admitted in the Urology Department of the Civil Hospital, Dadu for dialysis. Due to frequent power break down, the Hospital management was required to operate a power generator for alternate electricity supply to the Hospital and particularly for dialysis patients.

The matter was urgently taken-up with the Medical Superintendent Civil Hospital Dadu, who informed that capacity of the available generator was inadequate to meet the power requirement of entire department of Urology Ward during load shedding hours.

As the serious threat to human life and health was involved, Ombudsman Sindh directed the Administration of the Civil Hospital Dadu to operate the generator during the load shedding period particularly for the dialysis patients so that they did not suffer. Directive of the Honourable Ombudsman were implemented and dialysis process for the father of the complainant and other patients was carried out uninterrupted in the Urology Department. Complainant thanked the Ombudsman for his prompt action.

Source: Ombudsman of Sindh, PAKISTAN

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