During the conference "The National Human Rights Institution of Ukraine: from good to great" Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska presented the updated Strategic plan of activity of the Commissioner for 2016-2017 which was complemented this year by the additional strategic directions.
"In January, 2016 work on updating the Strategic plan of the Commissioner and the Action Plan of the Secretariat was carried out, priorities are updated, the additional purposes are defined and the circle of tasks based on modern challenges in the field of human rights in Ukraine is expanded", – Ms.Valeriya Lutkovska emphasized.
The updated Strategic plan of activity of the Commissioner contains the following purposes:
- ensuring effective response to the revealed violations and effective prevention of violations of rights and freedoms of the person;
- improvement of the legislation, administrative practice and jurisprudence;
- increase of level of legal culture and legal knowledge of everyone;
- development of institutional ability of the Secretariat of the Representative, including by development of a network of regional offices;
- improvement of international standards of protection of human rights in the conditions of the conflict and a post-conflict situation (the Kyiv Declaration);
- assistance of realization of National strategy in the field of human rights.
Separately the Commissioner for Human Rights emphasized importance of strengthening of regional presence of an institution of Ombudsman.
"This initiative is consistently implemented by Office last three years, however this year within reforms on decentralization in the country, and also considering new challenges in the state, creation of a network of regional offices of the Commissioner for Human Rights in all territory of Ukraine is foreseen", – Ms.Valeriya Lutkovska noted.
In pursuance of the mentioned task "Strategy for strengthening regional presence of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" was elaborated.
Strategy foresees rapid response to prevention of human rights violations across all territory of Ukraine, that is presence of Office of the Commissioner in every region where two representatives will be – the regional representative of the Commissioner, the state servant with the mandate of the Commissioner who will have a direct link with Kyiv office, and also the regional coordinator of the Commissioner from among the public with the assistance of whom there will be a coordination of communications with local representatives of organizations of civil society.
Such model of activity of regional offices of the Commissioner, according to Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska, will be the most effective and correspond to a goal – easy access of citizens to human rights mechanisms.
Regional presence of Office of the Commissioner is articulated on assistance of the UN Development Program in Ukraine.
You can download the strategic plan from below.
Source: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights