The survey of complainants’ views compares the survey returns of people who received a decision from the SPSO in the first quarter of this financial year with those who received a decision in the first quarter of last year.
The survey is based on a total of 229 returns and shows hte following key results.
Overall, in 2010, 33% of people were very satisfied with the service they received (up from 23% in 2009 and 22% in 2008), and 17% were satisfied. However, 27% were very dissatisfied (compared with 24% in 2009 and 23% in 2008). This is broadly in line with the ‘half satisfied, half dissatisfied’ findings typical of other Ombudsman offices (such as the UK Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and Local Government Ombudsman (England)).
In terms of length of time taken to deal with a complaint, satisfaction levels rose slightly in 2010.
In each survey period, more than I in 2 respondents agreed that they would use SPSO again, although the proportion that strongly disagreed also remained relatively constant at around 1 in 4. While 1 in 2 also agreed that they would recommend the SPSO to others, around 1 in 3 strongly disagreed with this proposition.