The Control Yuan (CY) held the 2013 workshop on protecting women’s rights on 7 June 2013. The workshop was attended by 320 participants from women’s groups, government organizations, and academia. Representatives of the relevant Executive Yuan ministries were also on hand to answer questions posed by the participants.
The workshop was divided into four sessions focusing on issues related to the current status of women’s rights protection in Taiwan and women’s rights issues in the fields of judicial and medical affairs, social and police affairs, and educational and labor affairs, respectively.
Among the wide-ranging issues identified during the workshop were sexual violence and discrimination in the media, insufficient and declining funding for the prevention and control of sexual violence, occupational health of foreign caregivers, availability of legal protection for foreign caregivers, personal security of foreign spouses, poor gender awareness among judicial and law enforcement personnel, treatment for sexual perpetrators, social worker understaffing and personal safety at local government agencies, allegedly discriminatory overseas interviews for transnational marriages, prevention and control of sexual assault and harassment on campuses, insufficient employment programs for victimized and disadvantaged women, and women’s right to remain employed during pregnancy.
On June 10, the CY held a closed-door meeting to review the 83 issues raised at the workshop. The meeting was convened by CY Vice President and Chairperson of Human Rights Protection Committee Chen Jinn-lih and attended by CY members who hosted the workshop sessions. After the meeting, the CY decided to initiate investigations pertinent to 13 critical issues. The CY will also conduct document inspections on other topics to better understand the status quo and decide on follow-up action. On the investigated issues, the CY members in charge will be requested to keep a close eye on improvements.
Source: Control Yuan