TAIWAN | Control Yuan promotes Sunshine Acts

The Control Yuan is the official body responsible for the execution of the Sunshine Acts in Taiwan. The purpose of these Acts is to prevent corruption and the deleterious effects of money in politics and to promote clean politics.

To promote the use of e-reporting by public officials, as of mid-May 2021, the CY has sent staff to more than 20 agencies and organizations to provide guidance on the advantages of the general authorization of intermediary property information and online property reporting. With all such reporting able to be done online instead of on the road, and the adoption of e-reporting will save time, boost convenience, and reduce the number of errors and omissions in declarations.

In addition, to promote the Sunshine Acts by videoconferencing, the CY has specially developed a videoconferencing section and created a dedicated live video studio. The first stream was held on May 7, 2021, with the administration holding its “Video Briefing on Political Donations Legislation and Online Reporting.” Relevant personnel were able to use desktops, laptops, or smartphones equipped with videoconferencing capabilities to attend the briefing remotely.

Source: Control Yuan, Taiwan

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