The recent innovations regarding the Hungarian High Commissioner for Human Rights naturally also showed impacts on the work of the two Deputy Commissioners Ernő Kállai and Sándor Fülöp who used the limited time since the entry into force of the new Ombudsman Act in January to elaborate a new working programme.

The Deputy Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Nationalities living in Hungary Ernő Kállai plans to monitor the changes occurring in the life of the communities concerned continuously and wants to focus his attention each month to another ethnical minority and the related conditions and circumstances.

Kállai also plans to examine the life circumstances and perspectives of people living in Roma settlements or in other segregated living environments. He will also pay attention to finding ways to make use of exemplary local initiatives aiming at the improvement of the social and housing conditions of Roma people. ‘On several occasions I found that these programmes, due to their careful foundation and professional implementation, are workable in the long term and can even serve as model for other communities’ – states Ernő Kállai in his work plan.

Sándor Fülöp, Deputy Commissioner for Future Generations meanwhile plans continued cooperation with the parliamentary committees, the National Council on Sustainable Development, the National Environment Council, the academic world of science, church and civil society organisations and the representatives of economic interest when for example investigating the circumstances of the nuclear waste landfill in Bélaapáti or the red sludge catastrophe in Kolontár. There are several professional projects on the right to a healthy environment, but also for example on the question of ensuring, in decisions concerning nuclear issues, the implementation of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention, incorporated into Hungarian law by an Act of Parliament, i.e. community participation, access to information and the right to participate in the decision-making.

The Deputy Commissioner for Future Generations continues to deal with the international programmes in his professional field. He will be the one to attend the environment protection events and conferences of the UN, for example the summer summit meeting on the strengthening of the institutions of the “green economy” and of sustainable development, the „Rio+20” in Rio de Janeiro.


Find more information as well as the full version of the Deputy Commissioners working plans at the institution's website.

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