The Federal Public Defenders' Office (DPU) is offering assistance and guidance to individuals impacted by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a state in southern Brazil, through the “Caravan of Rights for the Reconstruction of RS” project. Collaborating with other institutions, the DPU seeks a wide range of out-of-court solutions. This initiative, which began in July and continues through October, includes 90 missions across 111 municipalities. As of 15 July, 3,635 people had been assisted in 15 missions.
The need for this initiative arose from the emergency care provided to the affected population in shelters during May and June. In response, the federal government, involving multiple agencies, committed to continuing assistance and guidance for those most affected by the crisis that struck the state on Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. The primary goal is to assist those impacted by this socio-climatic disaster in accessing the benefits designed to support them.
In supporting the flood-affected population, the DPU collaborates with a range of partners. These include the Attorney General's Office (AGU), the Federal Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Court System, Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), the National Social Security Institute (INSS), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Fundação Gaúcha do Trabalho e Ação Social (FGTAS), the Special Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil, the Federal Prosecution Service (MPF), the Civil Registry, the Office of Federal Circuit Prosecution of the 4th Region (MPF/PRR4), and the Brazilian Armed Forces, including the Air Force (FAB), Army, and Navy, among others.
In response to the heavy rains and floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Federal Public Defenders from various regions of Brazil were dispatched to provide assistance to the affected residents. Sixty-three civil servants from other states answered the call of the initial public notice, remaining active until August, to support the DPU's efforts in these missions.
Target Audience
The program provides assistance to individuals in situations of social vulnerability, including indigenous communities, quilombolas, incarcerated individuals, and those experiencing homelessness. The selection of municipalities was guided by Expert Opinion No. 05/2024 from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Prodoc. This document assesses the conditions in municipalities where people are residing in shelters due to the floods, detailing the number of sheltered individuals and those in vulnerable situations, using data from CadÚnico.
The selection process for municipalities also took into account State Decree No. 57614, dated 13 May 2024, from Rio Grande do Sul, which reiterates the state of public emergency due to heavy rains. Additionally, the locations of Federal Court sections and subsections, as well as the distances between them, were considered.
For residents in municipalities not covered by the in-field operations, services are available through the DPU Cidadão application.
Source: Federal Public Defenders' Office, Brazil