UK | Eight Per Cent Rise In Welsh NHS Complaints, New Ombudsman Figures Reveal

Complaints made to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about Welsh NHS bodies have increased by 8% over the past year, according to new figures. The Ombudsman, Nick Bennett, said the continued trend was concerning and called on the National Assembly for Wales to push forward with new Ombudsman legislation that will help drive up standards of public service delivery. 

The Ombudsman’s 2016/17 annual report and accounts showed that in total the Ombudsman received 2,056 new complaints about public services in Wales and a further 236 code of conduct complaints against local government councillors. The total number of enquiries and complaints has increased by 75% over the past six years.  

Despite the challenge of increasing workloads the number of complainants who received a positive outcome from their complaint, either through resolution of the complaint by the body agreeing actions to put things right or a complaint upheld with actions agreed, increased by 16 per cent.

Complaints received about health now make up 38% of the Ombudsman’s caseload, and the Ombudsman has assigned Improvement Officers to five of Wales’ Health Boards – Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Aneurin Bevan, Betsi Cadwaladr, Cwm Taf and Hywel Dda.  In June, his office held a seminar for staff in the health sector to discuss how to share learning and best practice in complaint handling.

Nick Bennett, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, said: “The ongoing rise in complaints about NHS bodies is concerning. A significant factor is the high volume of complaints received about Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and my Improvement Officer will continue to work with the health board to ensure continued learning.

“There is evidence of a fear and blame culture still permeating some public sector bodies and my thematic report Ending Groundhog Day: Lessons from Poor Complaint Handling highlighted key areas for improvement. However, I’m pleased that following a health complaint seminar held by my office recently, it’s clear that health board staff are keen to strengthen governance, training and data collection arrangements to improve complaints handling.

“I would urge the Assembly to push forward with the new draft Ombudsman bill in the autumn. I am confident that if passed, the new legislation will allow cycles of poor service delivery to be spotted more easily and dealt with greater efficiency.”


Source: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

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