UKRAINE | ENNHRI expressed support to Ombudsman Lutkovska

The European network of national human rights institutions (ENNHRI) unanimously adopted the statement on promotion and protection of human rights in the context of the conflict in Ukraine.

In the mentioned statement ENNHRI calls for full respect and preservation of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. ENNHRI supports calls for immediate termination of the conflict and effective continuation of dialogue between all interested parties for the purpose of the solution of the current crisis according to the principles of international law in the field of human rights.

 "ENNHRI supports the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in her efforts with the purpose to ensure protection and promotion of human rights in Ukraine in a critical situation in conflict regions and highly appreciates the measures undertaken by her Office concerning monitoring of a situation with human rights in conflict regions and restoration of the rights of the persons suffering from the conflict, including internally displaced persons", – it is said in the adopted statement.

In recent reports of Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights concerning situation in Ukraine it is noted that escalation of the conflict within the last months led to big losses among civilians, to internal displacement of nearly one million people, to aggravation of state with humanitarian situation and with human rights in Donetsk and Lugansk regions and to serious destruction of municipal infrastructure.

The statement of ENNHRI also contains an appeal to the international partners to continue to undertake all possible measures corresponding to international law on human rights for finding ways of termination of existing armed conflict and continuation of effective and purposeful dialogue between all parties of the conflict.

Source: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner  for  Human  Rights, Ukraine

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