IOI/EUROPE | European Ombudsmen call for urgent support for internally displaced persons within Ukraine

Ombudsmen at their European Regional Conference in Estonia have called on ombudsmen across Europe to raise with their national parliament the growing humanitarian crisis caused by the continuing conflict in Ukraine.

Almost 260,000 persons have been displaced throughout the country, while more than 130,000 have applied for refugee status outside of the country. Estimates show that up to 25% of internally displaced persons (IDPs) are children. Authorities say that 2.2 million people remain directly affected by the conflict. Some most severely hit cities like Donetsk and Makiivka are sheltering 20,000 people with disabilities and needing help. The numbers are expected to grow as the fighting continues.

On the occasion of the conference, the Polish Human Rights Defender, Professor Irena Lipowicz, said that the displaced people wish to remain in Ukraine.  However, without support they may be forced to seek refuge in other countries.

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