UKRAINE | Evaluation of activity of Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in 2012

An evaluation of the activity of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in 2012 has been prepared by an expert group for monitoring of the activity of the Commissioner established by the Advisory Council to the Ombudsman of Ukraine and covers the period from 27 April till 31 December 2012.

Among the main achievements of the institution of the Commissioner for Human Rights in 2012 was the implementation of the policy of transparency and openness of communications with society which gave the possibility to build a dialogue between the Commissioner and NGOs.

Having been appointed to the office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska made a statement that she intends to stop politicizing the Office of the Ombudsman. The Expert group stated in its report that the Office of the Commissioner adheres to the laid down principles.

According to the Report, there were also significant achievements of the institution of the Commissioner in the sphere of improvement of international relations and strengthening the reputation of the institution of the Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner in the international community; forging relationships with NGOs; creation of the Advisory Council and the system of other consultative and advisory bodies; reorganization of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights; appointment of Representatives of Commissioner upon directions; successful start of implementation of the national preventive mechanism according to the “Ombudsman+” model; start of the regional representatives appointment process as well as the elaboration of the strategy of the Secretariat of the Commissioner for Human Rights for 2013-2017.

The Expert group report gives the evaluation of implementation of recommendations laid down in the previous report and gives recommendations concerning the improvement of Ombudsman institution activity for 2013.

As of 31 December 2012 the Secretariat of the Commissioner fulfilled 40% of recommendations given by NGOs. 31,8 % of recommendations are under active execution. 27,3% remain unfulfilled.

In July 2012 with UN support the expert and legal adviser of UNDP Mr. Allar Joks made an evaluation of the capacity of the Secretariat of the Commissioner and also made recommendations on the improvement of the work of the Office.



Source: Press service of the Office of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

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