PAKISTAN | Federal Ombudsman reaches another benchmark, clears backlog of 100.000 Public Complaints

In an unprecedented endeavor, the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat has cleared the entire pendency of one hundred thousand public complaints up to 2013, providing relief to that many families in a span of only ten months since Mr. M. Salman Faruqui, the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan returned after receiving treatment abroad for cancer. The bulk of the complaints were more than two years old while a significant number was nine to ten years old. On an average, the Office of the Wafaqi Mohtasib cleared 10,000 complaints every month. This Secretariat is also making efforts to finalize all complaints received during 2014 by December 31, 2014.

The daunting task has been accomplished in line with the directions given by the Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, to expedite the process of providing relief and redress to the citizens against maladministration of the government agencies in order to improve governance.

Source: Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, PAKISTAN

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