PAKISTAN | Federal Tax Ombusman Newsletter Vol. 4 – Issue 4 now available

The current newsletter reports about a meeting f the FTO with the President, who urged the need to increase outreach of the FTO and create awareness about its role in providing justice to complainants against the maladministration of customs and tax authorities.

Due to the outreach done by the office in the last 6 months, more and more people are now turning to the Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) and taxpayers are realizing that there is an institution where their problems and grievances are heard and promptly resolved. Speedy and free justice is provided to them without delay and arbitrary barriers with regard to payment of taxes are removed.

The newsletter further informs about a press conference held by the FTO in relation to excessive tax demands, which – according to the findings of the Ombudsman – fall under the definition of maladministration.

For more information about the most recent achievements of the FTO, please see the full newsletter in the download section below.


Source: Office of the Federal Tax Ombudsman, Pakistan

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