IOI Follow-up Workshop for NPMs
Innovative Monitoring Techniques
Vienna, Austria
25 – 27 September 2017
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Over the past years the IOI has developed several training programmes, catering to the specific needs of its members. The experience gained at the last two workshops in Latvia (2015) and Lithuania (2016) showed that there is still a high demand for training initiatives that focus on preventive aspects and human rights protection.
Developing skills and tools with regard to optimising visits to places of detention and in particular interacting with people concerned would be of great benefit to many Ombudsman offices. Hence, the IOI is currently developing the third edition of its NPM training which strives to create a training format that enables participants to learn through a practical approach but maximises the “do-no-harm” principle.
Save the date for this NPM follow-up training which will take place in Vienna from 25-27 September 2017! More details on the program, the registration and the availability of scholarships will be brought to you in due course.