EUROPE | Fundamental Rights Forum 2021: less than 3 months to go!

The Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 is fast approaching, starting on 11 October. Hosted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Forum creates a unique platform for dialogue on pressing human rights challenges. It brings together diverse voices, uniting thinkers, makers, creators and doers. It will be an opportunity for young people in particular to voice their opinions.

On 11-12 October, FRA will connect the main stage in Vienna with hubs in other cities and virtual sessions across Europe, offering the best of both in-person and online events. It will be a chance to look forward: building a vision of hope. For that reason, two topics run across the entire Forum: responses to the effects of Covid-19 pandemic as well as young people and Europe's future.

Threats to our fundamental rights existed before the pandemic changed the world. They are more visible and pressing than ever before. The Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 will tackle these head-on.

Together, the participants will deliver answers to questions shaping the critical human rights agenda.

Do you want to get regular updates on the Forum? Then sign up now.

Full details of the event are available on the Fundamental Rights Forum website.


Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

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