EUROPEAN UNION | Fundamental Rights Report Out Now

Today, Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presented his Annual Report to the Committee of the European Parliament for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).  Entitled “Fundamental Rights: challenges and achievements in 2010”, it provides in-depth evidence and analysis of fundamental rights in all the areas covered by the Agency’s “Multi-Annual Framework”.

Thus, the report charts the progress made in 2010 by the European Union and its Member States towards securing the rights guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights through developments in legislation, policies and practices. While it points to promising practices across a range of policy areas, some of the major challenges in 2010 related to asylum, the Roma and data protection. As comments Director Kjaerum: "While the Agency has collected numerous examples of promising practices among the Member States, there is still some way to go before the reality of the situation on the ground meets the standards guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Major fundamental rights challenges in 2010 included barriers in the way of getting access to justice, high levels of discrimination, as well as violence against children. The EU and its Member States must also face up to the marginalisation of the Roma, inadequate conditions for asylum seekers in particular at the EU's external borders, and threats to the protection of personal data."

The main report is accompanied by a stand-alone summary: “Highlights: Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2010”, which is available in French, German, Polish and Hungarian.


Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights - External Relations and Networking


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