OHCHR | Human Rights Day

We are pleased to share with you this year’s Human Rights Day focus. On 10 December 2022, OHCHR will be launching a year-long celebration that will culminate on 10 December 2023 to mark the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ 75th Anniversary.

We want to highlight what the Declaration means for people in their everyday lives. For that, we will be seeking your engagement for Human Rights Day 2022 as well as throughout 2023 to make this Anniversary campaign a success. Our hope is to increase knowledge of the UDHR as a foundational blueprint for taking concrete actions to stand up for human rights.

UDHR75 will focus on three key objectives:

  • EDUCATE. Increasing global knowledge and awareness of the UDHR and its enduring relevance for our times and for the future; and showing how the Declaration has guided the work of UN Human Rights.
  • PROMOTE ATTITUDE CHANGE. Countering the increasing scepticism of, and rollbacks against human rights by establishing that human rights are never relative and must always be upheld as what unites all of humanity.
  • EMPOWER & MOBILIZE. Offering concrete knowledge and tools to help people better fight for their rights.

In the coming days we will share more information on the messages, slogans, graphic design, initiatives, and events planned (all of this will be in a dedicated Trello board). But we also want to hear from you. Let us know about any ideas of activities and events that would allow you and the people around you to support and participate in this campaign. We are counting on your support for a successful celebration of this Human Rights Day and UDHR75.

Should you have any questions, please contact Kaylois Henry (Kaylois.henry@un.org) or Nicolas Meulders (nicolas.meulders@un.org) in the Communications and Public Mobilisation Section.


Source: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)


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