ARMENIA | Human Rights Defender monitors situation of domestic violence during the State of Emergency

Immediately after declaring the State of Emergency in Armenia, the Human Rights Defender has started the monitoring of the situation with regard to domestic violence. Reason for comprehensive monitoring is that the restrictions imposed during the State of Emergency increase the risk of violence in the family. In this respect, women, children and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups.

The Human Rights Defender sent guides on the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence to the Commandant’s Office (a crisis management center headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia set up to ensure centralized management during the state of emergency).

The guides will be widely disseminated among police forces for the purpose of raising awareness and providing consultation to citizens by the police authorities during the emergency period. It will be particularly useful for providing a sustainable response and support to the victims of domestic violence.

The Human Rights Defender held a number of discussions with the Chief of the Police on measures necessary for urgently preventing and combating domestic violence. It was decided to nominate focal points to intensify the collaboration between the institutions and mobilize the activities in the field of domestic violence.


Source: Office of the Human Rights Defender, Armenia

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