ARMENIA | Human Rights Defender’s independent monitoring of electoral process 2021

On June 20, voting day for snap parliamentary elections in the Republic of Armenia, the Office of the Human Rights Defender received 59 alarming calls and complaints concerning the electoral process and 570 social media and media publications were examined.

The alarming calls addressed to the Office’s hotline primarily concerned the accessibility of polling stations, the impossibility for a person with disability to access the polling place on their own, the issue of inclusion in supplementary voter lists, violation voting procedure, etc.

The problems most commonly reported on social networks and media outlets include violations of the procedure for distributing ballots, cases of influencing citizens (including servicemen) to cast their votes, violations of the established ballot form, etc.

The Defender’s representatives carried out several rapid responses, including rapid response visits on the basis of the alarming calls and monitoring results. In particular, discussions were held and clarifications concerning various issues were received from the Central Electoral Commission, Ministry of Defense, and Nork Social Care Home. Visits were made to police stations, including rapid response visits to Provincial Department of the Police. Contacts were also established with human rights NGOs. Special attention was given to ensuring the unimpeded activities of journalists and election observers.

As a reminder, the working group established on the Defender’s instruction is carrying out independent monitoring of the electoral process since the early morning both in the central and regional subdivisions of the Defender's Office (subdivisions of Shirak, Gegharkunik, Syunik and Tavush provinces).

Aside from the aforementioned provinces, representatives of the working group were dispatched to the Syunik Province in order to examine possible complaints regarding electoral rights in Vayots Dzor and Syunik Provinces on site and provide a rapid response if necessary.

Throughout the day, in parallel, the steps taken based on alarming calls and publications, and oversight activities are being summarized.


Source: Office of the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman), Armenia

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