I.O.I. Offers Training Programme for Ombudsman Staff

The General Secretariat is currently implementing a first row of projects that aim at enhancing the cooperation within the ombudsman community and fostering the exchange of best-practise examples. We are therefore pleased to announce the first:


I.O.I. / “Sharpening Your Teeth”-Training


This educational programme will be held from 14 to 17 November 2010 at the I.O.I. General Secretariat in Vienna, Austria. It is specifically designed for staff members of ombudsman institutions and based on the format “Sharpening Your Teeth” that was successfully established by the Ontario Ombudsman in 2005. This specific I.O.I. edition will be held in English and offers a three-day training on systemic investigations.

The I.O.I. is delighted to be able to offer this high-profile training to I.O.I. member institutions in good standing free of charge. In addition, the I.O.I. will fund five scholarships for I.O.I. member  institutions with limited resources.

For further information on programme and scholarships please contact the I.O.I. General Secretariat at ioi@volksanw.gv.at  

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