According to Article 21 (2) of the I.O.I. By-laws “The officers of the Institute, except the Secretary General, shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board from amongst the Directors”. As a consequence officer elections will be held during the Livingstone Board Meeting to appoint the President, Vice-President and Treasurer of the Institute.
A set of ad hoc rules has been established for the 2010 Bermuda meeting of the I.O.I. Board to provide a transparent, fair and well-balanced election process. These ad hoc rules proved to be very useful during the Bermuda elections. The Board therefore unanimously agreed to apply the same set of rules for the upcoming officer elections that will take part in the framework of the annual Board meeting in Zambia as well.
According to these ad hoc rules, an Election Committee has to be set up comprising one members from each of the six I.O.I. Regions; to be eligible to serve on the Committee, it is not necessary to also be a Board member. Each Regional Vice-President had to nominate one member from his or her region to serve on the Election Committee within a certain deadline and the I.O.I. General Secretariat is pleased to welcome the following regional representatives as newly appointed members of the standing ad hoc Election Committee:
As the Asian Region just recently held elections to fill the vacant positions of two Board members and has yet to elect its Regional Vice-President, the deadline for nominating a Committee member has been extended for this Region.
In a next step, the members of the Election Committee will name a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson before starting their actual work, which includes gathering nominations, confirming the candidate’s eligibility as well as consent to run for an office and asking each candidate for a written statement to be circulated among the members of the Board prior to the election.