australia | Implementation of Recommendations

The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Iain Anderson, published a report, Did They Do What They Said They Would? volume 2, on 17 October 2022.  The report contains point-in-time assessments that measure the progress made by 8 agencies to implement 73 accepted recommendations made by the Office in 10 reports between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2021.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office assessed the steps taken by agencies and formed a view about whether the Office’s recommendations were fully implemented, partially implemented, or not implemented. Of the 73 recommendations accepted, 67 have either been fully or partially implemented.

  • updated policies and procedures
  • improved communication with customers
  • delivered staff training
  • initiated systems changes
  • improved quality assurance processes, record keeping and service delivery.

‘This is a pleasing outcome noting that agencies, in some instances, had quite limited time to implement the recommendations, and COVID-19 impacted agencies’ capacity to implement some recommendations’, Iain Anderson said.

Following the publication of this report, the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office will continue to liaise with agencies to help ensure their commitments to improve their administrative practices are realised. 

You can access the full report here: Did They Do What They Said They Would? volume 2.


Source: Commonwealth Ombudsman, Australia

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