BELGIUM | Information brochure on whistleblowers published by the Federal Ombudsman

The Federal Ombudsman of Belgium published a new information brochure for whistleblowers. It is an informative and practical tool with the most important information for whistleblowers who want to make a report to the Federal Ombudsman. The brochure sets out the procedures for making a report and for obtaining protection from the Belgian institution.

In the brochure the Federal Ombudsman explains : 

  • In which areas he is competent to examine and treat a report.
  • How to make a report in the federal Civil Services and in the private sector.
  • How he protects whistleblower against retaliation.
  • How whistleblowers can request support when they make a report.

As a reminder, the Federal Ombudsman of Belgium examines reports of integrity violations in the various federal Civil Services (abuse, fraud, favouritism, irregularities...) and treats each report in complete confidentiality. He carries out investigations and writes investigation reports that may contain recommendations. In the private sector, he examines the admissibility of breaches of law within companies and treats each report as confidential. Then, he forwards these reports to the competent authorities in charge of carrying out investigations. Finally, the Federal Ombudsman of Belgium protects whistleblowers from possible retaliations.   

The brochure is available online on the website of the Federal Ombudsman. 

In autumn and in collaboration with the Federal Institute for the protection and promotion of Human Rights, the Federal Ombudsman will publish a complete and detailed whistleblower's guide that will compile all the necessary information for any whistleblower wishing to make a report. An essential resource for whistleblowers in Belgium (in the Federal Civil Services and in the private sector).


Source: Federal Ombudsman, Belgium

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