AUSTRIA | International Summer Academy on Human Rights

In cooperation with the Council of Europe, the European Training and Research Centre (ETC) will host an International Summer Academy on the topic of "How to manage human rights and the city" in Graz, Austria, from 23 to 27 September 2014.

The six-day event will include lectures and workshops on several issues, such as for example "Strengthening the application of a Human Rights-Based Approach at the municipal level: A focus on ECCAR's Ten Point Action Plan", "Roma in Europe" or "Enforcement of human rights law at the local level", amongst others.

Distinguished speakers from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, UNESCO, the University of Graz, the Swedish Equality Ombudsman and the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy will enrich discussions on the above named and further topics.

The International Summer Academy on Human Rights aims to:

  • "Foster the implementation of human rights and equality in the city
  • Present and discuss a multi-perspective approach to effective equality policies at the local level
  • Implement anti-discrimination policies
  • Use the ECCaR toolkit on equality policies as an instrument to plan, implement and evaluate anti-discrimination policies and their potential in respect to equality, inclusion, equal treatment and equal opportunities
  • Promote a deeper and holistic understanding of the topic through a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective approach
  • Exchange ideas, foster mutual learning and networking among participants with different backgrounds"

Registrations for the International Summer Academy can be submitted via the European Training and Research Centre's webpage or by contacting Ms. Barbara Schmiedl of the University of Graz.

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