APOR | Investigations training held in Vanuatu

The Offices of the Commonwealth and NSW Ombudsman recently worked in partnership to develop and present a training program in Vanuatu: Strengthening Skills in Administrative Investigations. The course ran for three days in April 2016.

The program covered a range of topics including core investigative principles, conducting interviews, obtaining information, assessing evidence, managing key stakeholders, risk management, record keeping and preparing investigation reports.

A total of 15 investigators from Vanuatu completed the program, from the Vanuatu Ombudsman, the Land Ombudsman as well as from the Professional Standards Unit of the Vanuatu Police Force and the Vanuatu Public Service Commission.

The training program was greatly enriched by the knowledge and experience of the participants, and the discussions about how general principles could be applied in their home agency, and in the broader context of integrity agencies in Vanuatu.


Source: Office of the New South Wales Ombudsman, Australia

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