IRELAND | Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall pays prison visit with Northern Ireland Prisoner Ombudsman

Irish Ombudsman and IOI Second Vice-President Peter Tyndall recently visited the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Tom McGonigle. Mr Tyndall also visited Maghaberry Prison which houses approximately 820 male adult prisoners, including remand, long term and paramilitary prisoners. The Ombudsman had discussions with the Duty Governor and officials from the Northern Ireland Prison Service. He also had a tour of facilities and met with staff and inmates. Staff provided the Ombudsman with an informative walk through of the complaints system which operates throughout the Northern Ireland prison system.  The visit follows the recent announcement by Ireland's Deputy Prime Minister (Tánaiste) and Minister for Justice and Equality that prisoners should be able to have their complaints independently investigated by Mr Tyndall's Office. The announcement followed a report by the Irish Inspector of Prisons, Judge Michael Reilly, who was critical of the current complaints system which he said is not truly independent and is not in line with Ireland's international obligations.


Source: Ombudsman of Ireland

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