In our increasingly digitalized and connected world, electronic content has become available on a more frequent basis. This has proven significantly true in the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and affected the IOI as well, when we had to organize our 12th IOI World Conference as an online event last year.
Organizing events, seminars and meetings by virtual means, has replaced our usual way of interaction, dialogue and shared learning during the pandemic. It has become an effective means for international exchange and it will remain a way to stay in touch in the future.
The IOI is therefore proud to present the new IOI video portal; a new tool to share Ombudsman-related video content with you.
The idea of a video platform was born out of a desire to make the recordings of our world conference sessions available to a broader public after the conference. In the development process we soon recognized, that we should strive to offer a broader platform to share video content on Ombudsman-related topics with members and interested third parties.
The portal is already online and we invite you to visit it HERE.
The overall aim is to add new content on a regular basis. So please, come back from time to time, to see what is new.
Source: International Ombudsman Institute (IOI)