INDIA | Lokayukt Madhya Pradesh inspect field units in Jabalpur

Honourable Justice Mr. P.P. Naolekar, Lokayukt MP inspected subordinate office at Jabalpur from 29.04.2016 to 03.05.2016. The visit was centered around inspection of Special Police Establishment (SPE) Office and Divisional vigilance Committee (DVC) Office as also on the efforts put in by prosecuting officers and the investigative agencies in ensuring early disposal of cases in various courts.

SPE is a specialized police functioning under the supervision of Lokayukt M.P to investigate and put up for trial cases of corruption by delinquent public servants and their accomplices. DVC is an agency established to find facts into cases where allegations of corruption have been leveled. If charges are prima facie made out, such cases are sent to SPE for registration of regular criminal case.

The state of Madhya Pradesh has set up special courts to conduct speedy trial of anti corruption cases. Another set of court have been empowered to try cases of amassing of disproportionate assets by corrupt public servants. 

The anti-corruption efforts of SPE have shown a quantum leap since the incumbent Lokayukt took over on 29.06.2009. As against a registration of 404 cases of trap/ misuse of office/ disproportionate assets during the six year tenure of preceding Lokayukt, the registration has jumped to over 1969 till June last. In the ten month period since then till 30.04.2016, the SPE unit further registered another 490 cases which is more than what was registered in entire six year period from 2003-2009. An increased registration has been accompanied by equally quick investigation and trials. As against 661 cases put up for trial in period 2003-2009, as many as 1199 cases were put up for trial during the period 2009-2015. A further 339 cases were put up in 10 months from 29.06.2015 to 30.04.2015. 

The conduct of trial in court of law has also been streamlined leading to quicker trials and convictions. In the period ending April 2016, the rate of conviction stood at 76% i.e 76% of cases decided by the court ended in conviction of the corrupt public servants. In addition, the ill gotten property amassed by corrupt public servants has been expropriated by the state and utilized for public purpose like day care centres for under-privileged sections of society.

Honourable Justice Mr. P.P.Naolekar, Lokayukt M.P. inspected the field units and guided them to further expedite swift redressal of public complaints.  


Source: Lokayukt Organization (Ombudsman) of Madhya Pradesh


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