
Several new incumbents entered into office in the past couple of weeks: Mr. Dominique Baudis is the new French Defender of Rights, Ms. Calliope Spanou the Greek Ombudswoman and Ms. Raymonde Saint-Germain was reappointed in Québec - to name only a few among many more renowned personalities. The I.O.I. Secretariat General sends best wishes and looks forward to cooperate with all new incumbents. In Austria meanwhile Dr. Gertrude Brinek has taken over as Chairperson from fellow Board member Dr. Peter Kostelka for the coming year.

With regard to institutional matters, Hungary reports the passing of a new fundamental law. Hence, a new Act on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights will create a new legal framework for the I.O.I. member institution. In Switzerland, meanwhile, Prof. Walter Kälin will direct a newly inaugurated national Centre of Expertise in Human Rights.

Traditionally, this time of the year sees the release of many annual reports by I.O.I. members institutions – among them, for example institutions in Iowa, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and Ontario. Reports with a specific focus were further released by the World Justice Project, the UNHCR and the Fundamental Rights Agency in June.

The news section of the I.O.I. website offers detailed information on these and all reports for download.


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