The Office of the People’s Advocate of Moldova announced that the statute and role of the People’s Advocate have been enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.
With the publication in the Official Monitor no. 155-161 / 261 of the Parliament's Law No. 70 of 13th April 2017, the new regulations on the statute and role of the People's Advocate entered into force on 19th May 2017. By including a new chapter – Chapter III1 - Title II of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova was amended.
Specific constitutional guarantees for the election, status, mandate and powers of the People's Advocate are now provided according to the newly established Art. 591 of the Constitution. The new provision gives the Ombudsman institution a solid legislative foundation and contributes to increasing its independence and autonomy vis-à-vis any public authority.
This comes as a result of recommendations made to Moldovan authorities by the Venice Commission in the Opinion on Law No. 52 on the People's Advocate (Ombudsman), adopted at the 103rd Plenary Meeting in June 2015.
Source: The People's Advocate, Republic of Moldova