ARGENTINA | New Comparative Study on American Ombudsman Institutions by Buenos Aires Ombudsman

The Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (DPCABA) has undertaken the task of examining the Ombudsman instititutions on the American Continent in a new comparative study.

This study, which was conducted with financial support from the IOI, analyzes and compares the 135 Ombudsman Offices (Defensorías del Pueblo in Spanish) that exist on the American Continent. While 74% of countries on the Continent have established Ombudsperson institutions on the national, regional, or local level, there are sometimes important differences in how they are set up and what roles they fulfill.

Thus, the study focused on differences and commonalities in the Ombudsman institutions’ regulatory frameworks, appointment procedures, structure & functions, jurisdiction, public relations, and strategic alliances.

To find out more about American Ombudsman institutions, download the study below.


Source: Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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