JAPAN | New Director – General of AEB appointed

Mr. SUGAWARA Nozomu is the Director General of the Administrative Evaluation Bureau (AEB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan.

The AEB provides the ombudsman function through its Administrative Inspection and Administrative Counseling Service. Around 120,000 complaints from citizen are received a year by the AEB and 5,000 administrative counselors who are commissioned volunteer citizens. AEB’s Administrative Counseling Service is reinforced its independence and neutrality by the Administrative Grievance Resolution Promotion Council which is advisory committee of specialist from various fields.

Mr. Sugawara graduated from Department of Law, Tohoku University and joined the former Management and Coordination Agency, present MIC, in 1990.

He engaged in administrative counseling and administrative inspection from August 2008 to January 2010 and from July 2014 to July 2018 as a Director.

After duties of a deputy Director-General of the Digital Agency, he took up the role of Director-General of Administrative Evaluation Burau, Ombudsman of Japan, in 07 July 2023.


Source: The Administrative Evaluation Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan

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