Bulgaria | New Ombudsman

On 7 October 2010, Mr Konstantin Penchev was elected to the post of Ombudsman by the Bulgarian Parliament. Mr Penchev replaces the previous Ombudsman, Mr Guinio Ganev, who did not stand for re-election. Mr Penchev has been President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria since 2004.

Mr Penchev has been President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria since 2004 and has worked as a judge for most of his career. He was a member of the Bulgarian Bar from 1994 to 2004 and a Member of the Bulgarian Parliament from 2001 to 2004.


Bulgaria: Nuevo Ombudsman


El 7 de octubre de 2010 el Sr. Konstantin Penchev fue elegido Ombudsman por el Parlamento de Bulgaria. El Sr. Penchev sucede en el cargo al anterior Ombudsman, Sr. Guinio Ganev, que no presentó su candidatura para la reelección. El Sr. Penchev es Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Administrativo de Bulgaria desde 2004 y ha ejercido la judicatura la mayor parte de su carrera. Fue miembro del Colegio de abogados de Bulgaria desde 1994 hasta 2004 y también miembro del Parlamento de 2001 a 2004.

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