PAKISTAN | New Ombudsman appointed for Azad Jammu & Kashmir

In exercise of the powers conferred to him under section 3(1), the President of Azad Jammu & Kashmir had appointed Mr Choudhary Muhammad Naseem as Ombudsman of Azad Jammu & Kashmir on 1 March 2021; his oath was administered on 4 March.

The Ombudsman of AJK assumed the charge of his Office on 5 March 2021. On assumption the charge of his Office he expressed his vision and resolution to address and resolve the complaints of general public promptly and without any inordinate delay.

Moreover, the Ombudsman also expressed his best wishes for IOI, AOA, OICOA and FPO. He said that these professional forums working regionally and globally are beacons of light in devising the policies for better administrative justice system.


Source: Office of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Ombudsman, Pakistan

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