TAIWAN | New President and Members of the Control Yuan take office

The new President of the Control Yuan (CY), Dr. Chang Po-ya, and the new CY Members took office on August 1. Dr. Chang is the first female CY president and also the first female head of one of the five branches of the government.

President Chang received her doctorate in Medical Science from the University of Kyorin in Japan. Her career has long been involved in public affairs. Before the current post, she had served as Chief Commissioner of Central Election Commission, Minister of the Interior and Taiwan Provincial Governor, Director-General of Department of Health, Legislator, and Mayor of Chiayi County.

Meanwhile, the new Member, Lady Knight Commander of St. Sylvester, Dr. Jane Y. W. Chiang, succeeded Dr. Louis Chao, who officially retired from public life on July 31, as Chairperson of CY International Affairs Committee (IAC). Dr. Chiang thanked Dr. Louis for his immense contribution toward IAC work in the last two decades, and she hopes the good work could be carried on during her term. Dr. Jane was awarded Vatican knighthood by Pope Saint John Paul ll in 1995, and was the first Asian female receiving the title.

The new CY President and Members were nominated by the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and approved by the Legislative Yuan earlier this year. Their term is due to expire on July 31, 2020.

Source: Control Yuan, TAIWAN

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