Sweden | Newly appointed Parliamentary Ombudsman

The Swedish Parliament recently elected Stefan Holgersson as the new Parliamentary Ombudsman, to take over after Parliamentary Ombudsman Lilian Wiklund. Stefan Holgersson started his new position as Ombudsman on 1 April 2016.

“I am very honoured to receive this important and interesting assignment. My previous employment as President at the Administrative Court of Appeal suited me very well but I find it impossible to decline this exceptionally important and trustful position”, says Stefan Holgersson.

Stefan Holgersson, born 1958, became President of the Administrative Court of Appeal in Jönköping in 2014. He is also Vice Chairman of the Disciplinary Board within the Supervisory Board of Public Accountants and a Substitute Member of the Judges Proposals Board.

Previously Stefan Holgersson was Chief District Judge of the Administrative Court of Appeal in Stockholm and Göteborg. He has also held the position of Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Finance and had a career within the private sector.

“I am interested in matters related to the individual’s right to correct treatment by the authorities. Within this area the Parliamentary Ombudsmen hold a very important position with the duty to secure that citizens are treated in a lawfully and correct way”, says Stefan Holgersson.

“The Parliamentary Ombudsmen hold a significant function in our society and to be elected by the Swedish Parliament to personally carry out these important duties makes me very proud. I look forward to get involved in my new role as Ombudsman. Initially I will engage myself with the operations of the work place and get to know my new colleagues and co-workers”, Stefan Holgersson finishes with saying. 


Source: Parliamentary Ombudsmen, Sweden

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