In the July issue of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s news Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor gives her views on how to make Ombudsman services work for the public and welcomes the Ombudsman reform and “the Government’s commitment to introduce legislation which would make it easier for people to get redress when things go wrong.”
Other topics included in the July news of the Office are the Ombudsman’s report on “Dying without Dignity”, which features 12 cases that illustrate issues regularly seen in the casework on end of life care or a research published by the office in June, which revealed that only one in three people who were unhappy after using a public service, actually made a complaint, because they feel that it would not make any difference.
To reade the full news, please visit the website of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
Source: Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (UK)