Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), in cooperation with the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) and the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), has developed a database of NHRI materials. The purpose of the database is to make NHRI materials (annual reports, thematic guides and studies, national inquiries, etc.) available to a wider audience and to generally promote the work of NHRIs around the world. From experience with similar projects, potential users include, inter alia: students, scholars, donors, and other NHRIs.
The database uses an established search engine and allows users to search and download materials. Unlike other websites (that actually just provide a link to the information) all the information/materials in the database are uploaded on RWI’s server and are accessible (to view or download) to all those that have access to the internet. The database furthermore allows NHRIs that do not have the resources to consistently update their webpage to showcase their work.
Currently the Database contains approximately 500 documents, produced predominantly by NHRIs in Asia and Africa. Initially annual reports from NHRIs in these two regions were prioritized as many of them were already on file. Beside continuing to upload materials from Africa and Asia however also NHRIs from all other world regions are invited to participate in the Project.
Find more information on the NHRI Database Project here.
Source: Raoul Wallenberg Institute