The NPM members Deputy Ombudsman Ivan Šelih, Adviser to the Ombudsman Robert Gačnik, and a representative of the selected NGO PIC Boris Nusdorfer made a regular monitoring visit to the detention premises of the Piran Police Station on Tuesday, 20 June 2017. On Wednesday, 21 June 2017, they also visited the Koper Prison.
A report will be drafted on the findings of both visits, along with recommendations for improving the situations and recommendations on short-term and long-term measures for mitigating the consequences of high summer temperatures in Koper Prison.
Both visits were attended by two observers – members of the Antigona organisation from Rome, its President Patrizio Gonella, and National Coordinator Susanna Marietti. As this organisation regularly visits prisons in the neighbouring country of Italy, this event was an opportunity for a mutual exchange of experience in conducting preventive visits to the closed institutions.
The two foreign observers also noted good relations in Koper Prison, which contribute to a pleasant atmosphere, which is important for the security conditions and order in the institution.
Source: Human Rights Ombudsman, Republic of Slovenia