The Office of the Ombudsman held a press conference to announce the results of a direct investigation into the “Mechanisms Used to Review and Monitor Eligibility of Existing Tenants in Subsidised Public Housing” and the investigation report on “Complaint against the Airport Authority for Mishandling Enquiries about CCTV System”, as well as a brief report on the work of the Office for calendar year 2014.
In 2014, the Office of the Ombudsman received 12,290 enquiries and 5,367 complaints, similar to the figures in the previous two years. Based on the statistics of allegations mady by the complainants, the top three causes for complaint against Government departments and public organisations were:
- error, wrong decision or advice (32,7%)
- ineffective control (14,2%)
- delay/inaction (14,0%)
These were the same three major causes as in the previous two years, with only slight variations in their percentages. Depending on their nature and complexity, cases pursued will be handled by way of inquiry, mediation or full investigation. In 2014, more cases were concluded by mediation and full investigation (126 and 345 cases respectively).
Besides handling complaints received from members of the public, the Office of the Ombudsman conducted direct investigations into social topics of wide community concern, with a view to examining systemic deficiencies in Government's administration systems at a macro level. In 2014, the Office of the Ombudsman completed a total of 23 direct investigation assessments, including an investigation into the "Mechanisms Used to Review and Monitor Eligibility of Existing Tenants in Subsidised Public Housing".
Source: Office of the Ombudsman of Hong Kong, CHINA