Irish Ombudsman and IOI President Peter Tyndall met with Dr. Chang Po-Ya, President Control Yuan of Taiwan, Dr. Bau Tzong-ho, Member, and Ms Uang, Lin-Ling, Director of the General Planning Office, when they visited Dublin on Wednesday 27 June.
The Control Yuan has a number of roles including receipt of people’s complaints and audit, and has powers of impeachment and censure.
During the visit the delegation was given an overview of the work of the Irish Ombudsman’s Office as well as the various additional positions the Ombudsman holds. These include (Freedom of) Information Commissioner, Commissioner for Environmental Information, member of the Standards in Public Office Commission and member of the Commission on Public Service Appointments.
There was a very useful exchange of views on the challenges facing oversight bodies in different parts of the world.
Source: Ombudsman of Ireland