Austria | Ombudsman Board presents Annual Report 2014

Based on the Federal Constitution the AOB has independently and impartially controlled national, provincial and municipal public administration since 1977. Since 2012, the AOB’s work includes a mandate as National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) according to the OPCAT.

Once a year, the AOB submits a report to the National Council and the Federal Council. For the first time, the international version of the AOB’s annual report combines both, the AOB’s ex-post investigative proceedings relevant to fundamental rights and the activities of the Austrian NPM.

As an institution providing judicial protection, the AOB helps citizens to obtain justice if they feel they have not been treated fairly by public administration authorities. With regard to its new responsibilities, the AOB aims at preventing to the greatest extent possible violations of human rights including the rights of persons with disabilities. It is important to recognize that a considerable portion of the positive work that is achieved in this area must be attributed to the commissions of the AOB and the on-going support from the Human Rights Advisory Council.

The number of citizens approaching the AOB with their concerns once again increased compared to the previous year, which is clear evidence of how important the AOB’s ex-post and preventive work is in terms of making public administration more accountable. The members of the AOB would like to take this opportunity and thank its employees, who contribute significantly to the fulfilment of the AOB’s constitutional mandate.

The international version of the Annual Report 2014 is available on the website of the Austrian Ombudsman Board.


Source: Austrian Ombudsman Board, Austria

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