CANADA/MANITOBA | Ombudsman celebrates “Right to Know” week

For the ninth year, Manitoba Ombudsman has joined with other information and privacy commissioner offices from across the country in celebrating national Right to Know Week from 22 to 28 September 2014 and international Right to Know Day on September 28. The purpose of Right to Know is to raise awareness of an individual’s democratic right of access to government-held information and to promote the benefits of open, accessible, and transparent government.

To celebrate Right to Know Week 2014, the Office of Manitoba Ombudsman Mel Holley invites citizens to visit staffed display tables at public libraries and obtain more information, tips and practical suggestions on making an access request under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act by watch the Ombudsman’s video (FIFFA Tips).

In order to inform citizens about the fact that the right to know also includes the right to obtain access to information about oneself, the Office of the Ombudsman published a user’s guides to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA Guide) as well as user’s guide to the Personal Health Information Act.


Source: Office of the Manitoba Ombudsman, Canada

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