PAKISTAN | Ombudsman decides 15-year old pension case of widow

In a bid to provide relief to a widow of an electrocuted WAPDA employee, the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan has solved a 15-year old pension case with recommendations to carry out disciplinary action against the responsible for their criminal negligence.

A complainant lodged a complaint before the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) for delay in grant of family pension/gratuity. She alleged that her husband got electrocuted while performing his duty on August 28, 1999. The complainant approached WAPDA office numerous times for redressal of her genuine grievance but in vain.

However, WAPDA, on the other hand taking lethargic attitude did not finalize her rightful claim despite a lapse of 15 years taking plea that the widow was seeking family pension on the basis of 9 years and 3 months service, rendered by her late husband, whereas the qualifying service for pension is at least 10 years.

The Federal Ombudsman invoking Finance Division (Regulation Wing) O.M No. F.12(8)Reg(6)/81 directed WAPDA to condone nine months deficiency in qualifying service for pension as well as to pay other due benefits and payment of Rs.50,000 per year to the widow as compensation for inordinate delay in finalization of her family pension case.

The Ombudsman also recommended to carry out disciplinary action against the Director(s) Pension Lahore WAPDA for their criminal negligence in redressal of grievance in the last fifteen years. It was further directed that the payment of all such pension cases be finalized on fast track basis in future.

Source: Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, PAKISTAN

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