UK | Ombudsman for Wales chairs Welsh Youth Homelessness Debate

The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has chaired a key meeting on youth homelessness between Hollywood star Michael Sheen, the Welsh Government and housing charities.

In December Michael Sheen launched a campaign to stop the practice of housing homeless teenagers in unsuitable bed and breakfast accommodation in Wales.

Mr Sheen’s petition received nearly 115,000 signatures, and was presented to the Welsh Government prior to a meeting chaired by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Nick Bennett.

Attendees included the Welsh Government’s Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty Lesley Griffiths, The End Youth Homelessness Cymru partnership and Michael Sheen.

Following the meeting, the Minister confirmed she would be launching a review into current statutory guidance on homelessness duties. 

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, Nick Bennett, said: “I was delighted to be asked to chair a meeting on such an important and emotive issue. Ultimately I want to see better public services in Wales, and if chairing a meeting with key stakeholders in an impartial and independent manner helps deliver that, than I am more than happy to oblige. This was a mature debate with people who genuinely want to improve the lives of vulnerable youths in Wales and I was delighted to be involved.”

Source: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, UK

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