solomon islands | Ombudsman holds a Good Decision-Making training for Correctional Services Solomon Islands (CSSI) Senior Management Officers

The Solomon Islands Ombudsman and his executive successfully completed a two days’ Good Decision-Making Training Workshop with the Senior Management Team of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI). The workshop was based on the theme: “Cutting the Cost of Bad Decision Making in Public Offices” and was held at the St Barnabas Leaf Haus in Honiara, from 3rd to 4th of October, 2022.

The workshop aimed to equip Senior Management Team of CSSI with comprehensive knowledge on government processes for making decision. Its focus was specifically on the four stages of good decision making—prepare for decision, develop the decision, make the decision and communicate the decision.

The Ombudsman, Mr. Fredrick Leve Fakarii, in his opening remarks highlighted that the investigative work of the Ombudsman had incurred huge annual cost on the government, mainly because of bad decisions or decisions that deviate from relevant laws, regulations and policies.

He reminds CSSI senior officers that good decision making must consider relevant laws, respect for the people, integrity, diligence and economy. These important elements of good decision making are enshrined in the Public Service Code of Conduct.

“The training aims to help you in your decision making, by doing so, help to reduce the unnecessary costs, and save government resources to be better used elsewhere for the general good of the people of Solomon Islands,” stated the Ombudsman.

On the same note, the CSSI Commissioner Mr. Gabriel Manelusi thanked the Ombudsman and his team for providing such an important training for his officers.  He remarked that the success of the event “signifies the strong partnership with Ombudsman Institution for CSSI. It is also a very important journey for CSSI and I believe that all of us who are here today have made sacrifices and commitments to listen to this workshop on how to make good decision.”

The training on Good Decision Making is aligned to CSSI Strategic Review Conference 2022.

The Ombudsman and his Executive Team will be rolling out the training to other government agencies in the coming months.

Meanwhile, the Ombudsman wishes to thank the Australian Government through the Commonwealth Ombudsman of Australia and the Queensland Ombudsman for assisting his office on the development of the Good Decision-Making Manual.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Solomon Islands

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