The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, recently presented to the public her first Annual Report since assuming office in April 2014.
A media gathering was held to report the performance of her office in the past year and to share her coming missions in Mediation, Direct (Own-motion) Investigation, Apology Legislation and Code on Access to Information.
The Annual Report for the year 2014/15 reports that the Office of the Ombudsman Hong Kong received 5,339 complaints, and 12,940 enquiries which is the highest in the past five years.
The number of cases handled by mediation was 138, a sharp increase as compared to the 38 cases of the previous year. The Ombudsman also completed seven own-motioned investigation during the reporting year.
Details of the performance and results can be found through the following link.
Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Hong-Kong