On 12 June 2018 Austrian Ombudsman Dr. Günther Kräuter welcomed a delegation of the China Society for Human Rights Studies for a knowledge exchange at the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) in Vienna. The Society is an academic research institution that focuses on human rights in China and publishes books, organises conferences and and informs the public and international organisations about this topic. The delegation was headed by Mr. Qiangba Puncog, President of the Society.
After introducing the structure, competences and activities of the AOB, Ombudsman Kräuter particularly emphasised the importance of the TV show „Bürgeranwalt“ for keeping the public informed and interested in the work of the AOB. He also stressed that independence is essential for the work of the AOB. The delegation showed great interest in the work of the Ombuds institution and in its far-reaching competences like the right to access all files.
The President of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Mr. Qiangba Puncog, then introduced his institution and also reported on the recent amendments of the Chinese constitution; this was of particular interest to Ombudsman Kräuter in his role as Secretary General of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).