MALAWI | Ombudsman Malera rules in favour of the Electricity Supply Commission of Malawi

Ombudsman Grace Tikambenji Malera has exonerated the Electricity Supply Commission of Malawi (Escom) on how it promoted Mr. Albert Langisi and Ms. Lucy Gundo to Section Headship position in Customer Services Department and Customer Services Officer respectively.

In a determination she has released, Honorable Malera states that the Escom Management did not flout any procedures and that guidelines on staff promotion were followed to promote the duo.

Among other things, Escom’s Executive Management duly considered the two employees’ level of qualifications, experience and competencies.

Their performance appraisals which were presented to the Ombudsman during the inquiry were also impressive.

…In view of the above, as per the totality of evidence adduced during the Inquiry, the Respondent's decision and action of promoting Mr Langisi does not amount to maladministration nor does it amount to an unfair labor practice,” the determination reads in part.

Honorable Malera states that her investigations did not establish any trends of nepotism as alleged by the complainants who came to the Office of the Ombudsman anonymously.

On the allegation that the promotions of Lucy Gundo and Albert Langisi were unprocedural and nepotistic, the Acting ŒO stated that their preliminary inquiries into the staff records indicate that the promotions were given in accordance with the above outlined policy,” the determination reads further.

As such she has not given any consequent directives to the utility body since no acts of Maladministration have been proved in the matter.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Malawi

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