BAHRAIN | Ombudsman Office Measures - COVID-19

Following the difficult extraordinary circumstances due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 which has internationally widespread very quickly, the Kingdom of Bahrain and its service-provider entities has taken various significant measures in order to combat and mitigate the virus while ensuring a smooth workflow in this extraordinary situation. The solidarity and efforts of the local and the international communities can overcome such difficult times.

The Ombudsman Office for the Ministry of Interior, Bahrain, has taken upon itself to keep its tasks undergoing through these times in accordance to the directives issued by the heads of state. The Office’s priority is to seek justice where it needs to be sought but simultaneously ensure the safety of its employees.

The Executive Committee headed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and First Deputy Prime Minister issued a directive stating that all public and private entities shall continue to function while encouraging working remotely when possible. Thus, the Ombudsman Office has issued a mechanism for its employees. The mechanism ensures that the work of the Ombudsman Office would not be interrupted by the pandemic regardless of the obstacles it faces.

Although the Ombudsman Office has restricted physical interviews with the complainants, the Office has provided various alternatives to submitting complaints. The Ombudsman Office encourages complainants to use the emails provided for the public. The Office also emphasized on the use of its app, available on both iOS and Android, where complainants can directly submit their complaints. It also launched a new method where complainants can submit their complaints via WhatsApp and a dedicated line was published through its social media outlets. The Office, undoubtedly, takes every complaint seriously and takes the necessary procedures when receiving a complaint via its available means.

As a result of its efforts, the Ombudsman Office keeps receiving complaints through its various above-mentioned outlets and will continue to do so as it pursues human rights protection. During these times, the Ombudsman Office will continue to work as hard to ensure the needs of the people are met and the safety its staff members.


Source: Ombudsman Office for the Ministry of Interior, Bahrain


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